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Strategic Leadership Type Indicator (SLTi)
by Alexander Hiam

SLTI is revolutionary program that enables a leader or manager to quickly identify and deploy the most appropriate leadership strategy and style to deploy with direct reports. The SLTI assessment provides a fast and accurate method for identifying what style of management is desired for a given employee and situation. The assessment and model are useful for both initial assessment and for ongoing reference. A comprehensive three-day workshop is included for trainers to effectively introduce the program. Leaders and managers will assess their own styles and learn when and how to flex their style to a given situation. SLTI is an easy to use, and powerful tool that can motivate employees while greatly improving communication and performance.

The SLTI consists of 16 different paragraph "cases" to which participants respond. An example of one of the cases is listed below. From the scoring of responses the SLTI score is able to be generated. Assessment ratings may be done for self or others.

More information: (files in Adobe Acrobat Format)
Below is a sampling of the Facilitation Materials that will enable you to effectively implement this outstanding program.
The SLTI consists of 16 different paragraph "cases' to which participants respond. An example of one of the cases is listed below". From the scoring of responses the SLTI score is able to be generated. Assessment ratings may be done for self or others.